Scott Ripley
Scott Ripley's Articles
Path to Wildcat Country
A guide that charts your course from high school graduation to move-in day at UNH. -
Foraging For Seaweed
Gabby Bradt, a fisheries specialist at UNH Cooperative Extension and N.H. Sea Grant, is getting the word out about the benefits of seaweed. Her popular hands-on workshops invite the community to the... -
Building A Team
Interprofessional course brings majors together. -
Wildcat Stadium Breaks Out in Song
Class of 2017 graduates sing and their fans in the stands sing "This Little Light of Mine" at Wildcat Stadium during commencement 2017. -
Video Highlights
More than 2,300 undergraduate and 448 graduate students — including 79 military veterans — representing 41 states and 30 foreign countries received degrees at commencement. -
Career Minded
Carrington Cazeau '17 has found his calling. -
Winning at Brevity
How do you describe years of research in lay terms and in just three minutes? UNH graduate students have the answer. -
Pitas with the President
On a beautiful spring afternoon, UNH Dining's Pita Pit offered students lunch courtesy of President Mark Huddleston, who was on hand to greet them. -
Engineering Climate Solutions
Madison Wood ’19 wants to be part of the solutions to climate change issues. -
Common Ground: Two Presidents, 300 High-School Students
In Salem, the presidents of UNH and the New Hampshire Senate shared memories and offer hope for college access. -
Scholar, Leader, Volunteer
Eden Suoth always imagined going to college in a city. Then he visited UNH. -
Flesh and Blood
Meet Xena, the synthetic cadaver who entered lab classrooms earlier this semester. Her guts, arteries, organs, blood flow and real-feeling flesh give the anatomy and physiology students who work with... -
1866: A Very Good Year, A Very Good Beer
Smuttynose Brewing Company and the University of New Hampshire have partnered to brew a session ale to celebrate UNH’s 150th anniversary. -
Professional Development Opportunity for Operating Staff
Registration is open for "Picture Your Success." -
Passport to Cash
Three UNH students will get a jump on the biggest issue facing many college graduates today even before they don their caps and gowns. -
A Snapshot of Fall at UNH
University Day and Homecoming helped usher in the fall semester. Here’s a look at just some of what went on around campus. -
Holiday Cheer
Glad tidings and all good things in the New Year -
Towering Sounds
When it comes to campus traditions, there are few more familiar than the songs that toll from the Thompson Hall tower every morning at 11. -
Gray skies and chilly temps couldn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the UNH students who marched in the annual Homecoming parade — or the many community members who lined Main Street to watch. Joined by... -
Suiting Up for Sled Hockey
“Having Northeast Passage on campus is really like a dream come true.” Student-athlete Dan Santos '17 talks about his time at UNH and playing on Northeast Passage's sled hockey team. -
When the Weather Outside Turns Frightful
Review the policies and procedures for curtailed operations in Durham. -
Election Season Closes with Visit from None Other than the POTUS
At 8 a.m. Monday, thousands of students and community members were already bundled, caffeinated and waiting outside the Whittemore Center in hopes of hearing from President Barack Obama. -
Looking Back on a Busy Election Season
It’s been a busy year, with several presidential candidates visiting UNH. Here, we take a look back at some of the action. -
Big Cat on Campus Turns 10
The Wildcat Statue turns 10 years old this fall. -
UNH Kicks Off 150th Anniversary
It was a roaring good time in the Whitt Friday night. Here are the highlights. -
Teaching the Teachers
Learning looks like child’s play at the Child Study and Development Center -
UNH Football Clinches Win in Wildcat Stadium Debut
Here are some highlights from opening night at the new Wildcat Stadium, where the UNH football team staged a thrilling victory. Photo Gallery -
Magnetic Mysteries, Decoded
A NASA rocket carrying instruments developed by scientists, engineers and students from UNH’s Space Science Center (SSC) has obtained the first-ever data of an elusive phenomenon, providing never-... -
A bullhorn, a drone and a big field. That’s what it took to pull off a historic-times-two photo, as more than 3,000 new and returning students, faculty and staff assembled at Wildcat Stadium August... -
Back to the Books
Welcome to the class of 2020, and welcome back to all Wildcats! Here’s a video glimpse of move-in day for first-year students. Facebook photos -
Making Space for Innovation
Looking back, Matt Griswold '18 admits to knowing that his desire to bring a student makerspace to the University of New Hampshire would be a tall task. -
From Port to Pint
Seaweed has made its way into your favorite pint. Watch how. -
Artisanal Energy
It’s not just for the farmers market any more: “Fresh, local, sustainable” describes how UNH powers its five million square-foot campus. -
Next Stop: The Rockies
When Sid Nigam ’16 was leaving India to attend college in the United States, at the airport his mother told him: “Son, sometimes 10 seconds of courage is all it takes.” -
Magnetic Reconnection
On October 16, 2015, dozens of UNH scientists, space physics researchers, engineers and students made history. -
Paige Balcom: A Student Success Story
The list of organizations Paige Balcom has volunteered her time with, public service projects she's started, high grades she's earned and scholarships and grants she's been awarded is long -- but not... -
Fanny Packs Are Back
Fanny pack. Belt pack. Buffalo pouch. Hip sack. By whichever name you call it, this 1980s trend in hands-free accessorizing is back with a vengeance. Just ask UNH’s newest alumni, the class of 2016... -
Digging UNH
Meghan Howey, associate professor of anthropology at UNH. Howey will become the James H. Hayes and Claire Short Hayes Professor of the Humanities in the fall 2016 semester. -
Game Changer
Heads up! Eyes up! Step in, step in! -
Pier to Plate
Steelhead trout grow within nets suspended from a UNH-designed raft. -
Creativity Exposed
The Museum of Art was awash in creativity during Act I of the three-part Naked Arts event on Wednesday, where painters and thespians and writers and photographers revealed the creative processes... -
CO2 in the Sea
Each year, tons of burning fossil fuel pumps greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the air and roughly 25 percent of that CO2 gets absorbed by the world’s oceans.

UNH Marketing
Scott Ripley is the senior multimedia producer